This grant program supports activities and movements that are anchored in Asia, Latin-America, Middle East, or globally (with a global South focus). As a general rule, movements in the global North cannot apply.
Information about Africa grants are found here.

Open calls for new grantee applications:
Deadlines for applications from current Karibu grantees:
28 February, 6 May, 19 August, and 28 October.
Our approach

Global South led
Karibu supports activities and movements that are anchored in the Global South (Africa, Asia, Latin-America, Middle East).

Systemic focus
Karibu prioritizes projects that have a systemic focus – where change affects how the whole system functions.

Collaborative movement building
Karibu prioritizes projects that are South-South in nature (one or more countries or territories in collaboration).
In order to apply for this grant program, your group (social movements, associations, organizations, cooperatives, collectives, and/or networks) must:
What we generally don’t support
Practical Info
Grant size
Grants in our standard grant program range from 5,000 USD to maximum 20,000 USD annually.
Duration of the initiative
Karibu is open to supporting initiatives for up to 24 months.
Core Costs
Grants for Asia, Latin-America, Middle East and Global processes are generally flexible, allowing up to half of the funding to be used for core costs such as salaries, office rent, and insurance. This flexibility is aimed to support movements as they make decisions that best align with their unique needs and priorities.
What’s changed from our previous grants?
The grant application and materials are inspired by and drawn from Karibu’s participatory grantmaking efforts with movements in the Global South over the past few years. We have extended the option for longer-term funding support, now up to 24 months. While the maximum annual grant is now USD 20,000 to allow us to support more groups, we have made the budgets significantly more flexible, with up to half available for core support (salaries, office rent, insurances, group care, etc).
The deadline for applications is in March, May, August, and October.
How to apply
Follow the following steps in order to apply:

1. Eligibility, Selection Criteria, and Application Process
Download and read carefully the “information packet” that describes:
– Eligibility and selection info
– Application guidelines
– Submission instructions

2. Frequently Asked Questions
Read the frequently asked questions about this grant before potentially applying.

3. Application Link
Karibu’s “Grant Management System” is open to receive applications from current/previous grantees.
It is also open to receive “Note of Interest” from new applicants / non-previous grantees.
Given the large amount of emails and messages that Karibu receives, however, we cannot guarantee that we can respond to all inquires about grant applications.
Would you like to send a note of interest for future Karibu grants?
1. Please note that this is not an application, as we currently do not have any openings for new grantee partners. Full applications for new partnerships are by invitation only.
2. Read carefully Karibu’s Frequently Asked Questions for important information about Karibu, our grant requirements, and what types of initiatives that are eligible for support before you consider sending in note of interest.
3. If you do not have an account from before, register for a new account to start the application process
4. Login to the GMS, and click “Register your interest for potential future Karibu grant support“.